quick how-to: installing couchdb on debian linux

you’ll be able to run the document based nosql database „couchdb“ (http://couchdb.apache.org/) in just a few minutes on your server if you follow these steps:

# apt-get install couchdb

after successfull installation couchdb is binded by default on (localhost). To access via your IP, you have to change the BindAddress value which is set to in /etc/couchdb/couch.ini:


After restarting couchdb service you should be able to access via browser:

# /etc/init.d/couchdb restart

Now open a browser and browse to http://yourdomain.com:5984/ you’ll see your couchdb running.
You can access the web admin called „futon“ on http://yourdomain.com:5984/_utils/

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